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Let’s face it, while it is beneficial, practicing social isolation is also challenging. Many of us are so used to always being on-the-go, our routines have been disrupted and it’s easy to get bored.

Boredom happens for many reasons, including when you have energy but nowhere to direct it or when you’re feeling a lack of control. On top of that, being stressed (which is very likely during this time of uncertainty) increases adrenaline, giving you more energy without knowing where to direct it.

So, after you’ve finished binge watching your list of shows, what’s next? Our advice – take this time as an opportunity to focus on YOU. We’ve provided a list to get you started:

1. Concentrate on yourself. It’s easy to always focus on loved ones and friends. Take this time to think about what’s important to you and what you want to achieve. What steps can you take to ensure you meet your goals?

2. Make a list of what you’ve been procrastinating on. Now is the perfect time to get things done that have been on your to-do list for a while but you haven’t had time to do.

3. Practice mindfulness. Take the time to be in the moment, really think about what you’re doing, not just the end result. Try not to worry about the past or the future. For example, when cooking notice the smell, texture, and taste of each ingredient.

4. Ignite your creativity. Doing creative activities may reduce anxiety, stress and depression. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Color in a coloring book
  • Play a board game, or invent your own!
  • Sketch something
  • Write
  • Journal
  • Create your own online video content. Start a podcast or post a video to YouTube.
  • Have a dance party at home

5. Travel from the comfort of your own home. Get online and browse different countries, neighborhoods, learn about new cultures. Alternatively, take a virtual tour of a museum. Check out how to here. Share what you’ve learned with your friends and family.

6. Learn something new. You don’t have to leave the house to learn something new! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Learn a new language. See if your friends want to learn at the same time, then call each other to practice.
  • Play an instrument. There are many online courses you can take to help you learn.
  • Photography. Learn how to use that camera that’s been sitting around the house, or even learn how to use your phone camera to its maximum effectiveness.

7. Turn your bathroom into a DIY spa. Get out those face masks, bubble bath, lotions and nail polishes that have been sitting around unused since the holidays. Turn on some relaxing music and treat yourself!

8. Start a new daily routine. Check these to-dos off your list each day to feel accomplished:

  • Exercise
  • Read a chapter of a book
  • Listen to a new podcast or watch a new show
  • Call a friend to see how they are doing
  • Clean up your space
  • Walk the dog

9. Be okay with having downtime. It’s okay to sit with your thoughts and just breathe. When you take a moment to let your mind wander you are likely to come up with creative ideas you can act upon.

Do you have any tips to combat boredom? Please share in the comments below!