Each & Every deodorant is a great choice for kids and teens, regardless of whether they are trying out deodorant for the first time or are switching from another deodorant or antiperspirant. With clean, safe and EWG-verified ingredients, you don't have to worry about children or teens being exposed to harmful chemicals typically included in traditional deodorants or antiperspirants. And our formula is specifically made to be gentle on younger skin, so you don't have to worry about rashes or irritation from harsh ingredients like baking soda, alcohol or aluminum.
Natural Deodorant for Kids & Teens
Shop Our Most Popular Teen Scents
Explore Our Formula
Each & Every ingredient matters, which is why we use simple, clean ingredients that actually work. Learn about what ingredients we use and what role they play in the formula.
Foolproof Ways to Prevent & Remove Deodorant Stains
We get a ton of questions about deodorant stains from customers considering making the switch to Each & Every. Find out what causes deodorant stains and how to prevent them.
When To Start Using Deodorant
Read about common signs that indicate your child or teen should start using deodorant. And find tips for how to choose a safe option that works!